Inauguration of the Blane Medal
Inauguration of the Blane Medal

Royal NavyNaval SurgeonAdmiralty circulars

Admiralty, 7th May, 1830.

Notice is hereby given to the Medical Officers of the Royal Navy, that Sir Gilbert Blane, Bart., first Physician to his Majesty, and formerly Member of the Board for Sick and Wounded Seamen, with the concurrence and approbation of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, has, for the encouragement of Naval Medical Science, and the excitement of an emulation that may conduce to the interests of an important branch of the public service, established a Fund in perpetuity, for the purpose of providing the means of conferring a gold medal, once in every two years, on such two Medical Officers, whether Surgeons, or Assistant-Surgeons acting as Surgeons as shall produce the most approved journals of their practice, whilst actually serving in King's Ships.
The selection of the journals will, in the first instance, be made by the Medical Commissioners of the Victualling Board, on the 12th of August, 1831, and will consist of not more than ten, nor less than five, of those journals delivered into office between the 12th of July, 1827, and the 12th of July, 1831; and the subsequent selections will be made from those delivered within the period of every two succeeding years; and the adjudication of the medals will, during the life of Sir Gilbert Blane, be made by him, and will subsequently be vested in the Senior Medical Commissioner, the President of the College of Physicians, and the President of the College of Surgeons, London.

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