Queens Regulations & Admiralty Instructions 1861
Queens Regulations & Admiralty Instructions 1861

Royal NavyPersonnelQR&AI 1861 ► Chapter XXXIVPrevious section ◄► Next section

SCALE of PENSIONS to the WIDOWS of the undermentioned Officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, and Compassionate Allowances to the Legitimate Children of the said Officers. (Vide Chapter XXXIV, at page 249).

Table scrolls to the right►
Rank of Officer Widow's Ordinary Pension Special Pension in lieu of Ordinary Pension Special Pension in lieu of Ordinary Pension Compassionate Allowance to Legitimate Children Aggregate Amount of Allowances to the Family of any Officer not to exceed
If the Officer was killed in action, or died within six months of wounds received in action If the Officer was drowned, or suffered other violent death in an immediate act of duty, or if it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that he died from the effects of any injury or disease caused by extraordinary exposure or exertion on service within 6 months after his being first certified to be ill If the Officer was killed in action, or died within 6 months of wounds received in action If the Officer was drowned, or suffered other violent death in an immediate act of duty, or if it shall be proved to the satisfaction ot the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that he died from the effects of any injury or disease caused by extraordinary exposure or exertion on service within 6 months after his being first certified to be ill Ordinary Compassionate Allowance If Killed in Action If not Killed in Action
Flag Officers on the Active, Reserved and Retired Lists; Captains of the Fleet and Commodores120According to circumstances5 to 4020 to 3016 to 20500300
Captains of 3 years'standing and upwards9020015018 to 2516 to 2014 to 16350*
Captains under 3 years' standing80200140
Captains retired under Order in Council, dated 24th April, 1847110............14 to 16...*
Captains retired under Order in Council, dated 1st August, 1860The same as Captains on the Active List, according to Seniority14 to 16...*
Captains, on Reserved Half-Pay, being Commanders promoted, under Order in Council, dated 25th June, 1851Ditto14 to 16...*
Commanders retired with the rank of Captain, under Orders in Council, dated 10th August, 1840, and 1st August, 180075............14 to 16...*
Commanders7012010016 to 2014 to 1712 to 14250*
Lieutenants retired with the rank of Commander, under Orders in Council, dated 30th January, 1816, 24th April, 1847, and 1st August, 186060............12 to 14...*
Lieutenants, on Reserved Half-Pay, with the rank of Commander, under Order in Council, dated 25th June, 185160............12 to 14...*
Lieutenants, retired with the rank of Commander, under Order in Council, dated 1st November, 183050............9 to 12...*
Lieutenants50806512 to 1610 to 149 to 12150*
Masters of the Fleet8020014018 to 2516 to 2014 to 16350*
Masters, retired with the rank of Captain, under Order in Council, dated 28th February, 1855The same as Captains on the Active List, according to seniority as Captains14 to 16...*
Masters' Attendant and Queen's Harbour-Masters and Assistant Masters-Attendant on retiring with the rank of CaptainThe same as Captains on the Active List, according to seniority as Captains14 to 16...*
Masters, retired with the rank of Commander, under Order in Council, dated 28th February, 185580............14 to 16...*
Masters retired with the rank of Commander, under Order in Council, dated 19th May, 184060............12 to 14...*
Master's-Attendant, Queen's Harbour-Masters, and Assistant Masters-Attendant, being Masters promoted to the rank of Commander80............14 to 16...*
Masters of 8 years' standing and upwards7012010016 to 2014 to 1712 to 14250*
Masters under 8 years' standing50806512 to 1610 to 149 to 12150*
Second Masters...6050...............
Chaplains under Order in Council, dated 13th May, 1859
Under 10 years' service on Full Pay50806512 to 1610 to 149 to 12150*
10 and under 20 years' service on Full Pay7012010016 to 2014 to 1712 to 14250*
20 years' service and upwards on Full Pay9020015018 to 2516 to 2014 to 16350*
Chaplains under Order in Council, dated 22nd February, 1860
Under 15 years' service on Full Pay50806512 to 1610 to 149 to 12150*
15 years' service and upwards on Full Pay7012010016 to 2014 to 1712 to 14250*
Other Chaplains50806512 to 1610 to 149 to 12150*
Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets120According to circumstances25 to 4020 to 3016 to 20500300
Secretary to Admiral of the Fleet9020015018 to 2516 to 2014 to 16350...
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, after 5 years' service on Full Pay as such
Inspector of Machinery Afloat, after 8 years' service on Full Pay as such
Secretary to a Commander-in-Chief †8020014018 to 2516 to 2014 to 16350*
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, under 5 years' service on Full Pay as such
Inspector of Machinery Afloat, under 8 years' service on Full Pay as such
Staff Surgeon
Paymaster of and above 15 years' seniority
Chief Engineer, ditto
Secretary to a Junior Flag Officer, Commodore of the First Class, or Captain of the Fleet7012010016 to 2014 to 1712 to 14250*
Paymaster of 8 years' and under 15 years' seniority
Chief Engineer, Do.
Secretary to a Commodore, 2nd Class50806512 to 1610 to 149 to 12150*
Paymaster, under 8 years' seniority
Chief Engineer, Do.
Naval Instructor
Assistant Surgeon, after 6 years' service on Full Pay as such
Assistant Surgeon under 6 years' service on Full Pay as such4065508 to 146 to 125 to 1090*
"Engineer for special charge" (vide Instructions, Article 8, at page 51)
Other Engineers and Assistant Engineers...6050...............
Assistant Paymaster
3. ROYAL MARINES.££££££££
General Officers120According to circumstances25 to 4020 to 3016 to 20500300
Colonels9020015018 to 2516 to 2014 to 16350*
Majors7012010016 to 2014 to 1712 to 14250*
Captains50806512 to 1610 to 149 to 12150*
1st Lieutenants4060508 to 146 to 125 to 10100*
2nd Lieutenants365040
*The amount of the Half-pay of the Rank and Standing of the Officer at the time of his death, to be in these cases the maximum of the allowance to his family.
Including those Officers who have served for twelve years and upwards as Secretaries to Flag Officers and Commodores of the First Class.

NOTE. - The Widows of Officers on the Reserved and Retired Lists will only be entitled to the pensions applicable to the rank of their husbands at the date when they were placed on the Reserved or Retired Lists; an exception, however, to this rule is made in the case of retired Captains when, advanced to the rank of Flag Officers, whose widows will be pensioned as the widows of Flag Officers.

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