Henry Worsley Hill R.N.
Henry Worsley Hill R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Henry Worsley Hill R.N.Explanation
Eldest son of Vice-Admiral Henry Hill (1775-1849)
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
6 March 18438 March 1845Lieutenant-Governor of the Gold Coast
1 July 1845 Married Amelia Jane, eldest daughter of henry Pytches Boyce and the late Lady Amelia Sophia Boyce, daughter of George, third Duke of Marlborough.
24 March 1810Entered Navy
13 July 1824Lieutenant
15 March 1841Commander
1 August 1860Captain
Date fromDate toService
20 December 1825 Lieutenant in Superb, commanded by Henry Hill (his father)
31 March 1826 Lieutenant in Melville, commanded by Henry Hill (his father)
28 January 182816 December 1831Lieutenant in Tribune (1803, fifth rate), South American station
21 September 18331 January 1834Lieutenant in Andromache, commanded by Bernard Yeoman, Plymouth
2 January 1834 Lieutenant in Andromache, commanded by Henry Ducie Chads, East Indies
1 December 1834July 1835Lieutenant in Melville, flagship of John Gore, East Indies
14 April 18371841Lieutenant and commander in Saracen, Cape of Good Hope & Coast of Africa

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