Thomas Henry Mason R.N.
Thomas Henry Mason R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Thomas Henry Mason R.N.Explanation
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
1811 Born.
14 July 1846 Married Isabella Susanna, third daughter of Edward Frere, of Bitton, Gloucestershire
1875 C.B. (Companion of the Bath)
7 November 1822Entered Navy
21 July 1837Lieutenant
5 June 1841Commander
1 November 1849Captain
2 April 1866Rear-Admiral
1 April 1870Retired Rear-Admiral
30 April 1873Retired Vice-Admiral
21 March 1878Retired Admiral
Date fromDate toService
29 July 1837 Additional Lieutenant in Winchester, flagship of Rear-Admiral Thomas Bladen Capel, East Indies
11 March 1838 Lieutenant in Wellesley, flagship of Rear-Admiral Frederick Lewis Maitland, East Indies
26 March 183916 October 1841Lieutenant and commandercting) in Algerine, East Indies (including the first Anglo-Chinese war)
25 January 1847 Commander in Medea, East Indies
20 February 1849 Acting Captain in Melampus, East Indies
30 November 18572 July 1859Captain in Curacoa (from commissioning at Portsmouth), Channel squadron
2 July 18591 February 1862Captain in Caesar (until paying off at Portsmouth), Channel squadron
8 May 186328 February 1864Captain in Trafalgar (until paying off at Sheerness), Mediterranean
2 April 186431 August 1865Captain in Blenheim, Coast Guard, Pembroke (replaced by Revenge)
1 September 18652 September 1865Captain in Revenge, Coast Guard, Pembroke (replacing Blenheim)
2 September 186517 April 1866Captain in Canopus, receiving ship, Devonport

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