Henry Samuel Hunt R.N.
Henry Samuel Hunt R.N.
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Henry Samuel Hunt R.N. | Explanation |
Date (from) | (Date to) | Personal |
1809 | | Born |
27 July 1847 | | Married Emily, daughter of Colonel Thomas Steele, Madras Native Infantry |
March 1864 | | Adopted the surname of Hunt-Boyse upon the death of his uncle (Rev. Richard Boyse), when he succeeded to the estate at Bannow, Co. Wexford |
23 December 1880 | | Died |
Date | Rank |
10 December 1835 | Lieutenant |
10 March 1846 | Commander |
Date from | Date to | Service |
13 January 1836 | | Lieutenant in Racer, commanded by James Hope, North America and West Indies |
14 June 1839 | | Lieutenant in Clio, commanded by Stephen Greville Fremantle, South America |
29 September 1839 | | Lieutenant in Orestes, commanded by Peter Sampson Hambly, South America |
26 October 1840 | | Lieutenant in President, commanded by William Broughton, flagship of Rear-Admiral Charles Bayne Hodgson Ross, South America |
26 November 1841 | 1845 | Lieutenant and commander in Basilisk, Pacific |