George Raymond R.N.
George Raymond R.N.
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George Raymond R.N. | Explanation |
Date (from) | (Date to) | Personal |
6 November 1795 | | Born (St Mathew, Bethnal Green, Middlesex) |
22 October 1866 | | Died (Abingdon, Berkshire) |
Date | Rank |
11 March 1807 | Entered Navy |
17 February 1815 | Lieutenant |
9 January 1854 | Retired Commander |
Date from | Date to | Service |
15 April 1842 | | Lieutenant and commander in Spy, west coast of Africa |
31 May 1843 | | Lieutenant and commander in Snipe, particular service |
11 January 1848 | | Lieutenant and commander in Onyx, Dover |