Richard Robert Quin R.N.
Richard Robert Quin R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Richard Robert Quin R.N.Explanation
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
23 August 1820 Born
1 June 1852 Married , firstly, Selina Catherine Laura Markham (died 31 January 1867)
16 June 1868 Married, secondly, Georgiana Olivia Boyle (died 15 January 1931)
22 September 1870 Died
7 May 1834Entered Navy
8 June 1841Lieutenant
9 November 1846Commander
21 February 1852Captain
31 May 1867Retired Rear-Admiral
Date fromDate toService
(1841) Mate in Conway, East Indies (including the first Anglo-Chinese war)
1841 Mate commander in Young Hebe, tender, East Indies (including the first Anglo-Chinese war)
10 March 1842 Lieutenant in Belvidera, commanded by George Grey, Mediterranean
30 May 1844 Lieutenant in Collingwood, commanded by Robert Smart, flagship of Rear-Admiral George Francis Seymour, Pacific
3 April 1848 Commander in Waterwitch, west coast of Africa

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