Vessels of the Bold (1812) class
Vessels of the Bold (1812) class

Royal NavyAll classesAll vessels

This table shows all vessels of the class which were carried on the books of the Royal Navy in the period 1840-1880. The total number of vessels in the class may have been higher (vessels disposed of before 1840 or acquired after 1880).

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Shamrock1812.08.081867WWGun-brig180121831 h.s. 1863 = WV.18, Coastguard watch vessel
Hasty1812.08.261870WWGun-brig182121819 survey vessel. 1827 mud-engine
Conflict1812.09.261840WWGun-brig180121832 r.s. Sierre Leone
Griper1813.07.141868WWGun-brig182121824 Artic discovery sloop, 2 guns. 1836 Coastguard. 1856 target
Clinker1813.07.151867WWGun-brig183121831 Coastguard. 1863 = WV.12
Pelter1813.08.271862WWGun-brig184121827 Coastguard
Mastiff1813.09.251851WWGun-brig184121825 survey vessel
Snapper1813.09.271865WWGun-brig184121824 Coastguard

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