The following is the entry for Edward Augustus Inglefield in William O'Byrnes 1849 'Naval Biographical Dictionary'.
INGLEFIELD. (Commander, 1841. f-p., 13; h-p., 2.) Edward Augustus Inglefield, born in March, 1820, is son of Rear-Admiral Sam. Hood Inglefield, C.B.This officer entered the Royal Naval College 6 Oct. 1832; and embarked, 11 Oct. 1834, as a Volunteer, on board the Aetna 6. He removed, in the course of the following month, to the Action 26, Capt. Lord Edw. Russell; was next, from the early part of 1835 until the close of 1839, employed, chiefly as Midshipman, in the Dublin 50, flag-ship of Sir Graham Eden Hamond, and Imogene 26, Capt. Henry Wm. Bruce, on the South American station; became Mate, in March, 1840 (having passed his examination in the previous Nov.), of the Thunderer 84, Capt. Maurice Fred. Fitzhardinge Berkeley; and after participating in the operations on the cosst of Syria, where he formed one of the storming party at the capture of Sidon, and assisted at the bombardment of St. Jean d?Acre, was employed, from Oct. 1841 until June, 1842 (the last three months of the time as Acting-Lieutenant), in the Illustrious 72, bearing the flag of Sir Chas. Adam, and Pique 36, Capt. Henry Forbes, both on the West India station. He was invested (after having attended Her Majesty on the occasion of her visit to Scotland in the Royal George yacht, Capt. Lord Adolphus FitzClarence) with the rank of Lieutenant 21 Sept. 1842; and next appointed ? 25 Nov. 1842, to the Samarang 26, Capt. Sir Edw. Belcher, employed as a surveying-vessel in the East Indies ? 6 March, 1845, to the Eagle 50, as Flag-Lieutenant to his father on the S.E. coast of America, where he removed with him to the Vernon 50 ? and, a few months afterwards, to the acting-command of the Comus 16. In that vessel it was his fortune to be present in the battle of the Parana, where the combined squadrons of England and France effected the destruction, after a hard day?s fighting, of four heavy batteries belonging to General Rosas at Punta Obligado, as also of a schooner-of-war mounting 6 guns, and of 24 vessels chained across the river. He was in consequence confirmed in the rank of Commander by commission dated 18 Nov. 1845. Agents ? Hallett and Robinson. |