HMS Fury (1845)
HMS Fury (1845)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameFury (1845)Explanation
Type1st class sloop   
Launched31 December 1845
Builders measure1124 tons
Ships book
Snippets concerning this vessels career
20 July 1847
- 29 November 1850
Commanded by Commander James Willcox, East Indies
6 December 1851
- 19 August 1854
Commanded by Commander Edward Tatham, particular service (and, 1854, the Black Sea during the Russian War)
20 August 1854
- 25 August 1854
Commanded by Captain Edward Tatham, the Black Sea during the Russian War
20 August 1854
- 12 October 1855
Commanded (until paying off at Portsmouth) by Commander Ennis Chambers, Mediterranean
28 July 1856
- 3 February 1859
Commanded by Commander Charles Taylor Leckie, East Indies and China
4 October 1858Commanded by Commander John Edmund Commerell, China (including 2nd Anglo-Chinese War)
31 July 1859
- 2 January 1860
Commanded by Commander William Andrew James Heath, East Indies and China
2 January 1860
- 29 January 1861
Commanded by Acting Commander John Crawford Wilson, East Indies and China
30 January 1861
- 31 March 1861
Commanded (until paying off at Woolwich) by Commander John Crawford Wilson, East Indies and China
25 March 1861
- 19 June 1861
Commanded (until paying off at Portsmouth) by Commander Bedford Clapperton Tryvellion Pim, East Indies and China
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Ma 16 April 1860The Third China War.— Preparations have commenced at Hongkong and Shanghai in good earnest. The four vessels from Shanghai which are announced as having sailed under sealed orders comprise Her Majesty’s ships Sampson, Actaeon, Dove, and gunboat Algerine; two of these vessels are well-known surveying vessels, and it is given on good authority that this small expedition is intended to reconnoitre in the Gulf of Pecheli and the mouth of the Peiho. and to take possession of some convenient slip of land which will be serviceable to our troops. A statement is also current that they were despatched to capture some trading junks which had left Shanghai for the Peiho, and supposed to be loaded with arms and ammunition. It is also stated that the Chinese Government are casting heavy guns, and using large quantities of American anthracite coal for this purpose. Guns of the largest calibre have also been imported from the United States. Her Majesty’s ship Impérieuse, 51 guns, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Jones, C.B., second in command, left Hongkong for Shanghai on the 22d of February; she took up six boats, each capable of landing 100 men, a large number of tents, and a bridge or pier, which could be made available for landing troops over the mud. She also had on board field-carriages for mounting her 32-pounders, and a large quantity of ammunition and war stores. The British and French naval commanders are engaged at Hongkong in chartering vessels and steamers, organizlng a Chinese coolie corps, and other necessary measures. General Montauban, the French military Commander-in-Chief, had also arrived from France, and the Quartermaster-General of the British Army. From these active operations it may be augured that it is intended to push the expedition north during the present month, in perfect readiness for the decision of Lord Elgin and his French colleague, Baron Gros. The delay in their departure will consequently be a source of great disappointment and anxiety. Nothing of a reliable nature has been heard of the action or intentions of the Court of Pekin, nor of our Ambassador, Mr. Bruce, It Is rumoured that the Taku forts have been dismantled in order to strengthen those at Tien-tin. There have been no further reinforcements from India. The detachment of the 44th Queen’s Regiment, which was announced in our last as having arrived at Singapore, has left that place for Hongkong, in Her Majesty's ship Pearl, and transport Cressy. A portion of the 99th Regiment had arrived at Singapore from Calcutta in the Octavia, towed by the Reynard. The Simoom, with the troops as originally embarked at Portsmouth, had also arrived, and proceeded on to Hongkong with the transports Mars, Octavia, and Jessamine. The Ringdove, Magicienne, Hooghly, and Fury were engaged in towing vessels from the Straits of Malacca up to Singapore. — London and China Telegraph.

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