HMS Jackall (1844)
HMS Jackall (1844)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameJackall (1844)Explanation
Launched29 October 1844
Builders measure340 tons
Displacement505 tons
Ships bookADM 135/256
Snippets concerning this vessels career
7 April 1845
- 16 November 1846
Commanded (from commissioning at Plymouth) by Lieutenant commander William Montagu Isaacson George Pasco, Mediterranean
17 November 1846Commanded by Lieutenant George Western, home, Lisbon and Mediterranean
22 May 1851Commanded by Norman Bernard Bedingfield, store ship at Ascension, for service in Jackal tender
30 June 1854Commanded by Lieutenant William Travers Forbes Jackson, particular service
19 September 1855
- 29 October 1858
Commanded (until paying off at Sheerness) by Lieutenant Charles Thomas William George Cerjat, particular service
(21 May 1859)
- 17 December 1859
Commanded by Lieutenant Augustus George Ernest Murray
17 December 1859
- 21 July 1860
Commanded by Lieutenant James Simpson
7 August 1860Commanded by Lieutenant Edward Francis Lodder, coast of Scotland (fishery protection)
19 May 1863
- 8 February 1864
Commanded by Lieutenant Hugh McNeile Dyer
9 February 1864
- 24 April 1866
Commanded by Lieutenant Hugh McNeile Dyer, west coast of Scotland (fishery protection)
(11 December 1868)
- 11 December 1868
Commanded (until paying off at Plymouth) by Lieutenant commander Arthur Edward Dupuis
12 April 1870Commanded by Lieutenant John Bruce, west coast of Scotland
Extracts from the Times newspaper
We 6 February 1850

Plymouth, Feb 5.

Her Majesty's steam frigate Gladiator, having in tow het tender the Jackal steamer, left yesterday for Madeira and the coast of Africa.
Ma 12 July 1880It is proposed to pay off and lay up, after repair, at Devonport, during the present year the Achilles and Agincourt, now with the Channel Squadron, the Condor and Flamingo, now in the Mediterranean, but commissioned for special service in the Black Sea, the Wild Swan, from the East Indies, and the Modeste, Swinger, Sylvia, Hornet, and Midge from the China station. The two latter will pay off at Hongkong and be navigated home by a supernumerary crew is consequence of the majority of their officers and men having volunteered for other service upon the station. The Wivern will also pay off at Hongkong, but will remain as reserve drill ship upon that station. The Devonport reserve contingent will also be strengthened by the return of the Forward from the south-east coast of America, the Griffon from North America and the West Indies, and the Pelican, Penguin, and Shannon from the Pacific. Portsmouth will receive the Minotaur from the Mediterranean, and will be intrusted with her alteration and repair, for which ?100,000 will be required, the Swallow and the Elk from the south-east coast of America, the Plover from North America, and the Hector, now Coastguard ship at Southampton. The Fawn, surveying vessel in the Sea of Marmora, having made a fairly accurate sketch of the bed of that sea during the three years she has been engaged on that duty, will return to Chatham to pay off and lay up, as also will the T?m?raire from the Mediterranean, and the Tourmaline from the North American coast. Sheerness will have the repairing and charge of the Helicon from the Mediterranean, the Blanche from North America and the West Indies, the Osprey from the Pacific, and the Ruby, Spartan, and Vulture from the East Indies. During the year the Enchantress, the Orontes, the Jackal, the Orwell, and the Foxhound are to be re-commissioned, the latter at Hongkong.

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