Samuel Brooking Dolling R.N.
Samuel Brooking Dolling R.N.
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Samuel Brooking Dolling R.N. | Explanation |
Son of Captain William Brooking Dolling, R.N. (died 1843) |
Date (from) | (Date to) | Personal |
30 April 1814 | | Born |
7 January 1845 | | Marrried Mary Sophia, daughter of Commander John Whipple, R.N. |
1877 | | Died |
Date | Rank |
30 May 1828 | Entered Navy |
8 June 1841 | Lieutenant |
22 November 1856 | Commander |
30 June 1866 | Retired Captain |
Date from | Date to | Service |
16 October 1841 | | Lieutenant in Blonde, commanded by Thomas Bourchier, East Indies |
20 September 1842 | 2 December 1843 | Lieutenant and commander in Algerine, East Indies |
26 August 1844 | | Acting Agent for Mails |
1 January 1849 | | Lieutenant and commander in Nautilus, apprentices brig, tender to Impregnable (flagship, Devonport) |
1 January 1852 | | Lieutenant and commander in Nautilus, apprentices brig, tender to Impregnable (flagship, Devonport) |
31 December 1859 | | Commander (2ic) in Sans Pareil, commanded by Arthur Parry Eardley-Wilmot, flagship of Rear-Admiral Charles Talbot, Queenstown |
30 January 1861 | 2 August 1864 | Commander in Implacable, training ship for boys, Devonport |
(23 November 1865) | | Commander (2ic) in Formidable, commanded by John Fulford, flagship of Vice-Admiral Charles Talbot, the Nore (Sheerness) |