Samuel Brooking Dolling R.N.
Samuel Brooking Dolling R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Samuel Brooking Dolling R.N.Explanation
Son of Captain William Brooking Dolling, R.N. (died 1843)
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
30 April 1814 Born
7 January 1845 Marrried Mary Sophia, daughter of Commander John Whipple, R.N.
1877 Died
30 May 1828Entered Navy
8 June 1841Lieutenant
22 November 1856Commander
30 June 1866Retired Captain
Date fromDate toService
16 October 1841 Lieutenant in Blonde, commanded by Thomas Bourchier, East Indies
20 September 18422 December 1843Lieutenant and commander in Algerine, East Indies
26 August 1844 Acting Agent for Mails
1 January 1849 Lieutenant and commander in Nautilus, apprentices brig, tender to Impregnable (flagship, Devonport)
1 January 1852 Lieutenant and commander in Nautilus, apprentices brig, tender to Impregnable (flagship, Devonport)
31 December 1859 Commander (2ic) in Sans Pareil, commanded by Arthur Parry Eardley-Wilmot, flagship of Rear-Admiral Charles Talbot, Queenstown
30 January 18612 August 1864Commander in Implacable, training ship for boys, Devonport
(23 November 1865) Commander (2ic) in Formidable, commanded by John Fulford, flagship of Vice-Admiral Charles Talbot, the Nore (Sheerness)

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