Richard Carter R.N.
Richard Carter R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Richard Carter R.N.Explanation
Son of Joseph Carter (1791-1836)
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
26 December 1829 Born (Alverstock, Gosport, Hampshire)
12 October 1864 Married firstly Maria Caroline (1839-1876), daughter of Mathew James Keighley (1808-1870)
21 February 1882 Married secondly Alicia Catherine Loftus (c1852-1934), daughter of John Francis Tottenham (1822-1906)
21 November 1887 Died (Bembridge House, Fareham, Hampshire)
1844Entered Navy
2 October 1850Mate
22 October 1853Lieutenant
24 June 1862Commander
1 June 1869Captain
9 March 1886Retired Rear-Admiral
Date fromDate toService
2 October 185014 August 1852Mate in Daphne, commanded by Edward Gennys Fanshawe, Pacific
6 December 185221 October 18531)
17 January 185416 February 1855Lieutenant in Euryalus, commanded by George Ramsay, North America and West Indies
17 February 185518 February 1859Lieutenant in Nankin, commanded by Keith Stewart, East Indies
13 May 185926 June 1862Lieutenant in Emerald, commanded by Arthur Cumming, Channel squadron
27 June 18627 November 1863Commander (2ic) in Emerald, commanded by Arthur Cumming, Channel squadron
26 April 186625 April 1869Commander in St Vincent, training ship, Portsmouth
17 March 18743 July 1875Captain in Spartan (until paying off at Sheerness), West Indies
5 July 187524 September 1876Captain in Repulse, flagship of Rear-Admiral Arthur Auckland Leopold Pedro Cochrane then Rear-Admiral George Hancock, Pacific
24 June 187716 May 1879Captain in Volage2)
1 April 188029 November 1882Captain in Hector, Ship of First Reserve, Coast Guard, Southampton Water (except summer cruise from 11 June to 18 July 1982)3)
30 November 188031 December 1884Captain in Royal Adelaide, Devonport, flag-ship of the Port Admiral
1)Then on passage from 22 October 1853 to 1 January 1854 (Furious, v[ituals] o[nly], D[ismissed] 12 Nov 1853. Inflexible vo D 24 Dec 1853, Caradoc vo D 1 Jan 1854)
2)Mail Steamer on passage to 15 July 1877
3)Himalaya vo [dismissed?] 23 December 1882

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