Joseph Pearse R.N.
Joseph Pearse R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Joseph Pearse R.N.Explanation
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
17 June 1794 Born
17 April 1806Entered Navy
22 July 1813Lieutenant
8 June 1841Commander
8 January 1846Captain
15 December 1863Retired Rear-Admiral
1 April 1870Retired Vice-Admiral
Date fromDate toService
8 January 1840 Lieutenant in Blenheim, commanded by Humphry Fleming Senhouse, East Indies (including the first Anglo-Chinese war)
8 June 184116 October 1841Commander in Nimrod, East Indies (including the first Anglo-Chinese war)
16 October 1841March 1843Commander in Cruizer, East Indies (including the first Anglo-Chinese war)

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