HMS Bacchante (1859)
HMS Bacchante (1859)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameBacchante (1859)Explanation
Launched30 July 1859   
HullWooden Length235 feet
PropulsionScrew Men560
Builders measure2667 tons   
Displacement3631 tons   
Fate1869 Last in commission1864
Class  Class (as screw)Liffey
Ships bookADM 135/33   
30 July 1859Launched at Portsmouth Dockyard.
17 April 1860
- 3 August 1864
Commanded (from commissioning at Portsmouth until paying off at Portsmouth) by Captain Donald McLeod Mackenzie, flagship of Rear-Admiral Thomas Maitland, Pacific
1869Broken up at Portsmouth
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Fr 22 June 1860The Bacchante, 51, screw, Capt. M'Kenzie, flag of Sir Thomas Maitland, C.B., Commander-in-Chief on the Pacific station, steamed out of Portsmouth harbour yesterday to Spithead, where she will take in her powder, shell, &c., prior to proceeding to her destination. On the frigate's way out to Spithead competitive trials took place of the Clifford and Kynaston gear for lowering boats while a vessel is under way. The usual honorary salutes were discharged between the Bacchante and the Victory.
Ma 21 April 1862Letters have been recently received at Plymouth from the screw steam frigate Termagant, 25, Capt. Robert Hall. The vessel was then at Panama, where the weather was found very oppressive by the officers and crew. She is usually stationed at Coibai, the climate of which is cooler, frequent communication is made between the island and the isthmus. The frigate has on board, for distribution among the Pacific squadron, 135 volunteers, chiefly from among the crew of the Conqueror. The screw steam frigate Melpomene, 51, Capt. J.F. Ewart, one of the North American and West Indian fleet, landed them near Chagres, whence they were conveyed to the shores of the Pacific by train. At the first station four of the seamen deserted, under the impression that there were mines in the immediate vicinity where they could find employment. The paddlewheel steam sloop Devastation, 6, Commander John D. M'Crea, from the southern division of the Pacific squadron, with 100 supernumeraries for ships in the northern division, was daily expected. If there was sufficient accommodation she would receive the Conqueror's volunteers from the Termagant, and convey them to the screw steam frigate Bacchante, 51, Capt. Donald M'L. Mackenzie, flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Maitland, K.C.B., which was probably at Acapulco.
Ma 25 July 1864The Bacchante, screw frigate, 39 guns, Capt. Donald M.L. Mackenzie, arrived at Spithead on Thursday, about 2 p.m., from the Pacific. She sailed from Valparaiso on the evening of the 14th of April, with a freight of 125,000 dollars on board for Rio de Janeiro. At Valparaiso were Her Majesty's ships Leander, bearing the broad pennant of Commodore Harvey, and Alert, Commander Majendie; light southerly winds and calms were experienced after leaving Valparaiso until the 26th. The vessel made very little progress, having at that date only reached lat. 36.57 S.; long. 84.24 W. Beyond this point strong northerly and westerly winds were fallen in with, and continued until Cape Horn was rounded on the afternoon of the 8th of May. The Falkland Islands were passed on the 9th. Of May, fresh westerly winds prevailing. On the 10th of May the ship was under double-reefed topsails and courses, going nine knots, when the main yard was carried away at the slings. On the 14th it had been repaired and sent up again, but on the same day the starboard cutter was carried away in a heavy roll of the sea. From the 16th of May to the 22d the wind was very light. On the 22d of May there was a calm, and steam was got up in two boilers. At noon on the 25th the vessel anchored in the Bay of Rio de Janeiro, and found at anchor there Her Majesty's ships Egmont, Curlew, Stromboli, and Industry. Two deaths occurred on the voyage from Valparaiso to Rio - Henry Harris, private Royal Marine Light Infantry, received from Her Majesty's ship Nereus, and William Harford, gunner of the Royal Marine Artillery, serving on board the ship. The Bacchante having discharged her freight and received on board naval invalids from Her Majesty's ships on the station sailed from Rio anchorage for England on the 1st of June, under steam with two boilers in use, escorting the British ship Sophy out to sea until 20 miles S.S.E. of the bay. Then the Sophy, in obedience to a signal from the Bacchante, cast off the warps of her towing tug and stood out to sea under her canvas, a Federal man-of-war steamer being reported at the same time to be in sight and in pursuit. The Bacchante crossed the equator on the 15th of June in long. 30 W., and the Tropic of Cancer on the 26th of June in long. 42 35 W. Vice-Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, G.G.B., embarked on board the Fire Queen steam yacht, Staff Commander Paul, on Saturday, and proceeding out to Spithead inspected the Bacchante. The vessel after her inspection weighed her anchor and steamed into Portsmouth harbour to dismantle and pay out of commission.
Sa 12 November 1864The following is the list of the vessels of the Royal navy which will be armed, and are now being armed, with the new description of 300-pounder and other guns in course of issue. The figures after each vessel specify the number of guns of the description mentioned she will carry. To mount the 12-ton 300-pounders:- Bellerophon, 10; Royal Sovereign, 5; Minotaur, 4; Scorpion, 4; Wiveren, 4; Prince Albert, 4; Agincourt, 4; and Northumberland, 4. To be armed with the 6½-ton guns:- The Achilles, 20; Black Prince, 20; Warrior, 20; Lord Warden, 20; Lord Clyde, 20; Royal Oak, 20; Prince Consort, 20; Royal Alfred, 20; Caledonia, 20; Ocean, 20; Minotaur, 18 ; Agincourt, 18; Valiant, 16; Zealous, 16; Hector, 16; Defence, 10; Resistance, 10; Endymion, 6; Mersey, 4; Orlando, 4, Pallas, 4; Favourite, 4; Research, 4; Enterprise, 4; Amazon, 2; Viper, 2; and Vixen, 2. To mount the 64-pounder muzzle-loader:- The Bristol, 12; Melpomene, 12; Liverpool, 12; Severn, 12; Arethusa, 12; Phoebe, 12;. Shannon, 12; Octavia, 12; Constance, 12; Sutlej, 12; Undaunted, 12; Impérieuse, 12; Aurora, 12; Leander, 12; Bacchante, 12; Emerald, 12; Phaeton, 12: Narcissus, 12; Forte, 12; Euryalus, 12; Topaz, 12; Newcastle, 12; Liffey, 12; Immortalité, 12; Glasgow, 12; Clio, 8, North Star, 8 [laid down 1860, cancelled 1865]; Racoon, 8; Challenge[r], 8; and Menai, 8 [laid down 1860, cancelled 1864]. The following will be supplied with the 64-pounder breech-loaders:- The Scout, 8; Rattlesnake, 8; Cadmus, 8; Scylla, 8; Barossa, 8; Jason, 8; Charybdis, 8; Wolverine, 8; Pylades, 8; Orestes, 8; Pearl, 8; Pelorus, 8; Satellite, 8; Acheron, 4 [laid down 1861, cancelled 1863]; Shearwater, 4; Valorous, 4; Furious, 4; Bittern, 4 [laid down 1861, cancelled 1863]; Magicienne, 4; and Columbine, 4. A supply of the 6½-ton smooth-bore 100-pounder wrought iron guns has already been received at Chatham, and it is understood that the first supply of the 300-pounder rifled 12-ton Armstrong gun may shortly be expected at the Ordnance wharf.

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