Name | Empress (launched as Revenge, 1859) | Explanation | |
Type | Second rate | Type | Two-decker |
Launched | 16 April 1859 | ||
Hull | Wooden | Length | 245 feet |
Propulsion | Screw | Men | 860 |
Builders measure | 3322 tons | ||
Displacement | 5260 tons | ||
Guns | 91 | ||
Fate | 1923 | Last in commission | 1870 |
Class | Revenge | ||
Ships book | |||
Career | |||
Date | Event | ||
16 April 1859 | Launched at Pembroke Dockyard | ||
1 May 1861 - 31 May 1863 | Commanded (from commissioning at Plymouth) by Captain Charles Fellowes, flagship of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, Channel squadron | ||
13 June 1863 - 26 April 1865 | Commanded (until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain Hon. Fitzgerald Algernon Charles Foley, flagship of Rear-Admiral Hastings Reginald Yelverton, second in command, Mediterranean (until replaced by Caledonia) | ||
1 September 1865 - 2 September 1865 | Commanded by Captain Thomas Henry Mason, Coast Guard, Pembroke (replacing Blenheim) | ||
4 September 1865 - 24 September 1867 | Commanded by Captain George Le Geyt Bowyear, Coast Guard, Pembroke | ||
25 September 1867 - 11 March 1869 | Commanded by Captain William John Samuel Pullen, Coast Guard, Pembroke Dock | ||
15 April 1869 - 31 May 1869 | Commanded (from commissioning) by Captain Thomas Cochran, to take Vice-Admiral Alexander Milne, Commander-in-chief, Mediteranean, and a replacement crew for his flagship, Caledonia, to his station | ||
1 June 1869 - 31 May 1859 | Commanded by Captain Alan Henry Gardner, bringing home Vice-Admiral George Rodney Mundy and the old crew of Caledonia, flagship in the Mediterranean | ||
2 July 1869 - 31 August 1869 | Commanded by Captain Richard Wells, to take Vice-Admiral George Greville Wellesley, Commander-in-chief, North America and West Indies, and a replacement crew for his flagship, Royal Alfred, to his station | ||
September 1869 - 27 September 1869 | Bringing home the old crew of Royal Alfred, flagship in North America and West Indies | ||
16 November 1869 - 23 January 1870 | Commanded (from commissioning at Plymouth) by Captain Francis Alexander Hume, to take Rear-Admiral Arthur Farquhar, Commander-in-chief, Pacific, and a replacement crew for his flagship, Zealous, to Panama, for transfer overland to his station | ||
23 January 1870 - 23 March 1870 | Commanded (until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain Richard Dawkins, bringing home Rear-Admiral George Fowler Hastings and the old crew of Zealous, flagship in North America and West Indies | ||
22 August 1872 - 17 February 1875 | Commanded by Captain Benjamin Spencer Pickard, flagship of Rear-Admiral Edmund Heathcote, flagship of the Port Admiral, Queenstown, replacing Mersey (and in January 1874 to take out Vice-Admiral James Robert Drummond, Commander-in-chief, Mediterranean, and replacement crews for several ships on that station, and to bring home Vice-Admiral Hastings Reginald Yelverton and the superceded crews) | ||
17 February 1875 - 4 March 1878 | Commanded by Captain Henry Rushworth Wratislaw, flagship of the Port Admiral, Queenstown | ||
9 March 1878 - 6 March 1881 | Commanded by Captain Charles Matthew Buckle, flagship of the Port Admiral, Queenstown | ||
26 February 1881 - 1 March 1884 | Commanded by Captain Philip Ruffle Sharpe, flagship of the Port Admiral, Queenstown | ||
13 August 1881 - 6 August 1884 | Commanded by Commander William Robert Clutterbuck, flagship of the Port Admiral, Queenstown | ||
1 March 1884 - 24 January 1887 | Commanded by Captain Robert Peel Dennistoun, flagship of the Port Admiral, Queenstown | ||
5 February 1887 - 28 July 1889 | Commanded by Captain Frederic Proby Doughty, flagship of the Port Admiral, Queenstown | ||
3 August 1889 - 8 March 1890 | Commanded by Captain Francis Starkie Clayton, flagship of the Port Admiral, Queenstown (replaced by Triumph at Queenstown) | ||
April 1890 | Renamed Empress, training ship (Clyde Industrial Training Ship Association) | ||
31 December 1923 | Sold for breaking up at Appledore | ||
Extracts from the Times newspaper | |||
Date | Extract | ||
Th 13 September 1860 | The following ships and gunboats in the first-class steam reserve could be got ready for the pendant at a short notice:- The Windsor Castle, 100; the Revenge, 91; the Orlando, 60; the Forth, 12; the Seahorse, 12; the Merlin, 6; and the Hyena, the Gleaner, the Nightingale, the Steady, the Spider, the Delight, the Goldfinch, the Charon, and the Lark. The following, in Keyham steam yard, are in a forward state:- The Howe, 121; the Gibraltar, 101; the Brunswick, 80; the Phoebe, 51; the Narcissus, 51; the Jason, 21; and the Desperate, 8. | ||
Fr 1 February 1861 | Rumours have been current for the past week that the Princess Royal, 91, screw, fitting out at Portsmouth as flagship of Rear-Admiral Smart, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, was in so rotten a state that the Revenge, 91, screw steamer, at Devonport, was about to be substituted for her. This is contradicted by the authorities at Portsmouth, where, whatever may be the ship's condition, no steps hare been taken to examine into it since she received a new stern in No. 1 dock subsequently to her last commission. Rear-Admiral Smart hoisted his flag on board yesterday. Mr. John Davey, inspector of machinery afloat, has also joined the ship for service with the Channel Fleet. It is rumoured at Devonport that Capt. Henry Broadhead, now in command of the screw steamship Donegal, 101, 800-horse power, one of the Channel Squadron, is likely to be appointed to the screw steamship Warrior, 36, of 1,250-horse power, at Sheerness [this proved not to be the case]. | ||
Sa 22 June 1861 | The Plymouth division of the Channel fleet, under the command of Rear-Admiral Stuart [should be Smart], consisting of the Revenge (flagship), Aboukir, Conqueror, and Centurion, with the steam tender Porpoise, cast anchor in Leith Heads on Thursday morning shortly after midnight. The division had been nearly three days at the mouth of the Firth of Forth, off the Isle of May, cruising about in expectation of meeting the Spithead division (Admiral Erskine's), consisting of the Edgar (flag), Donegal, Trafalgar, and Hero. Up to Wednesday evening the latter division had not been seen, and Admiral Smart gave the signal to proceed up the Firth. While cruising of the Isle of May the ships' crews were busily exercised in artillery and rifle practice at targets moored for the purpose. All Thursday the Plymouth division lay off the Island Of Inchkeith in Leith Roads, and at noon the several ships fired a royal salute in honour of Her Majesty's accession. In the afternoon the ships were ordered to get up steam for the purpose, it was understood, of proceeding up the Firth to St. Margaret's Hope, where both divisions of the Fleet lay for about a fortnight last summer. | ||
Sa 6 July 1861 | THE CHANNEL FLEET AT KIRKWALL.- We are indebted for the following to the Orkney Herald:- "On Saturday morning intelligence reached this place that the seven vessels of the Channel fleet now cruising on the east coast had left Leith, and that their next port of destination, was Kirkwall. On Monday morning intelligence was received that the vessels were tacking about between Tankerness and the south end of the island of Shapinsha, and were moving down towards Kirkwall, the wind being westerly, nearly right ahead; but, as the tide was turning also against them, it was thought they would anchor in some of the bays outside till the evening. However, they kept moving on, led by the Revenge, Admiral Smart's flagship, and it was surprising even to those best acquainted with the rapid cross tides and difficult navigation of these narrow channels how the large war-ships were managed. They moved slowly on, sounding their way, and by half-past 12 the Admiral's ship anchored off Carness Point, in Kirkwall Roads. Half an hour afterwards she was followed by the Aboukir, which anchored to the right or north side of the Revenge. A strong adverse tide, running at the rate of 10 miles an hour, having now set in, the wind also being right against them, the other five vessels anchored in the Bay of Holland; and between 7 and 10 in the evening they all entered the Roads, and anchored to the north and west of the Revenge. The weather continues gusty, wind west, and frequent thick, drizzling showers, some of which came on in the forenoon just when the vessels were passing between Shapinsha and the mainland, and interfered both with the signalling and with the view of the magnificent vessels from the shore. A salute of 13 guns was fired from the fort when the Admiral's ship cast anchor, which was promptly answered by the Revenge. The fleet is expected to remain here till Saturday." | ||
Ma 29 July 1861 | The Channel Fleet are now anchored in the waters of Loughswilly. On Wednesday they sailed majestically up the Lough on the tide in the form of a crescent. The Londonderry Sentinel gives a graphic description of the scene, which I abridge:- "No sight could be more beautiful. Crowds collected from many points to witness the magnificent spectacle. These seven wooden walls of old England now displayed their graceful lines, their beautiful symmetry, and gayest bunting to the admiration of hundreds, while the waters of the Lough, as if proud of their freight, reflected their spire-like masts, their thousand flags and streamers, and their stately outlines in the glassy waves beneath. Now the ships are off Dunree Fort, on which the red cross of England unfurls its folds to the wind. As each man-of-war passes a salute is fired, and in the intervals the martial strains of the well-trained bands on board each vessel are borne to the shore. The scene was of the most thrilling description, and its interest was not lessened by the fact that this exhibition of the 'pride, pomp, and circumstance' of the maritime greatness of our country was unattended by the more direful accompaniments of 'glorious war.' "At half-past 4 the fleet were off Buncrana, having arrived in the following order:- "The Revenge, 91 guns, 800-horse power, Captain Charles Fellows, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Smart, senior Admiral of the fleet. The Edgar, 91 guns, 600-horse power, Captain Mends, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Erskine (white), second in command. The Conqueror, 101 guns, 200-horse power, Captain Southby, C.B., and Aide-de-Camp to the Queen. The Aboukir, 91 guns, 403-horse power, Captain Shadwell, C.B. The Hero, 91 guns, 600-horse power, Captain Ryder. The Trafalgar, 90 guns, 500-horse power, Captain Dixon. The Centurion, 80 guns, 400-horse power, Captain Rogers, C.B. The Porpoise gunboat, commanded by Lieutenant-Commander John Brasier Creagh, Knight of the Legion of Honour. "As night set in the shores of lough Swilly were brilliantly lit up with bonfires. The glare brought out the ships into fine relief, affording a spectacle easy to be enjoyed, but difficult to describe. All the inhabitants of Buncrana likewise illuminated their dwellings, and on every side great enthusiasm was witnessed. It was most gratifying to see the cordial reception given by the people of Ennishowen to the fleet, and both officers and men feel much pleased and complimented at the reception they have met with. Perhaps in no other place since they have left Spithead have they received such a hearty welcome, and the short experience had of the members of the fleet gives reason to believe that it will be richly deserved. "Some idea may be formed of the might and majesty of England's navy, from the fact that these seven vessels carry 636 guns, with crews amounting in number to 6,250 men, being more than the entire population of Strabane The entire horse-power is nominally 4,200, but is equal to double these figures. Three vessels properly belonging to this portion of the fleet are absent on other service - namely, the Donegal, the Diadem, and the Emerald." This spectacle will produce a profound and lasting impression on the peasantry of Donegal, and the fame of it will spread throughout all the mountains and glens of the west. | ||
Th 8 August 1861 | The screw steam-ships Revenge, 89, Capt. Charles Fellowes, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H.; Conqueror, 99, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B.; Aboukir, 86, Capt. Charles P. Shadwell; and Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry D. Rogers, C.B., of the Channel Squadron, arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday afternoon. | ||
We 9 October 1861 | Rear Admiral Erskine's division of the Channel fleet, consisting of the Edgar, 89 screw (flagship), Capt. George P. Mends; the Hero, 89, screw, Capt. A.P. Ryder; and the Trafalgar, 86, screw, Capt. J.B. Dickson, arrived at Spithead yesterday morning under steam, and brought up in line on reaching the anchorage. The Edgar discharged her powder and shell yesterday at Spithead, preparatory to going into harbour. The starboard division of the Channel fleet, under Admiral Smart, which left Ireland eight days previously, and arrived at Plymouth yesterday morning (as reported in our second edition), parted company on Saturday evening with the port division, consisting of the Hero, the Edgar, and the Trafalgar, which are bound for Spithead. They entered the Sound in the following order:- The screw steamship Revenge, 89, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H., white at the mizen; the Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry D. Rogers, C.B.; the Conqueror, 99, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B.; and the Aboukir, 86, Capt. Charles F.A. Shadwell, C.B. | ||
Th 10 October 1861 | The damage sustained by the Channel Fleet during the late severe storm is estimated at 10,000 l. The Conqueror, Centurion, and Aboukir lost all their quarter boats. The Aboukir rolled excessively. The Hero lost her mainyard. The Trafalgar suffered severely. The Conqueror also lost her three topsails; indeed, so much canvas was blown away that when Admiral Stuart [should be Smart] signalled some of the ships to hoist certain sails, the reply given was "that they had none." It is reported at Plymouth that the Centurion and Aboukir are to be sent to the West Indies. The Revenge was removed yesterday from Plymouth Sound into Hamoaze to be repaired. The Conqueror, Centurion, and Aboukir will follow. | ||
Fr 25 October 1861 | That portion of the Channel Squadron which is at Plymouth is nearly ready for sea. The Revenge is lying inside the Breakwater, and may proceed to day to join the Warrior at Portland. | ||
Th 27 February 1862 | The screw steamship Revenge, 89, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, from Queenstown; the Trafalgar, 86, Capt. John B. Dickson; and the Emerald, 51, Capt. Arthur Cumming, from Portsmouth, are expected at Plymouth. | ||
Tu 3 June 1862 | PRINCE ALFRED AND THE CHANNEL FLEET.- The division of the Channel Fleet which passed last week in Great Yarmouth Roads consisted of the Revenge, 90, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Smart; the Trafalgar, 90, the Emerald, 51; the Chanticleer, 17; and the Porpoise gunboat. It was joined on Sunday by the St. George, 90, with Prince Alfred on board. The St. George took up a position in a line with the Revenge, the Trafalgar and the Emerald; the Chanticleer (corvette) lies rather further out to sea. The ships yesterday morning presented a very beautiful appearance, their sails hanging lightly in the brails to be dried. The weather was delightful, and the sea was calm and unruffled. Large numbers of visitors put off from the shore for the purpose of going on board the squadron. The Prince is not much seen, and it is understood that he will remain in retirement during his stay in the Roads, which is expected to extend until to-morrow, at least. On Saturday evening the Mayor and several of the leading inhabitants were entertained at dinner by Rear-Admiral Smart on board the St. George; and last evening the gallant Admiral, and the Captains and officers of the various ships composing the squadron, were to attend a ball at the Town-hall. It is uncertain whether Prince Alfred will be present. The shipping in the harbour and the principal establishments in the town made a gay display of flags yesterday in honour of his Royal Highness, and the Yarmouth Battery of Artillery Volunteers fired early in the morning a Royal salute of 21 guns. A cricket match was played yesterday between the officers of the squadron and the Great Yarmouth Club The Fleet "eleven" was made up as follows:- Lieutenant Vidal, St. George; Mr. E.M. Watson, midshipman, St. George; Mr. Milman, midshipman, Emerald; Lieutenant Lord J. Scott, Emerald; Lieutenant Molyneux, Emerald; Lieutenant Key, Revenge; Mr. G.H. Lawson, midshipman, Revenge; Mr. E.W. Goldson, assistant-paymaster, St. George; Sub-lieutenant Stewart, Revenge; Mr. Isaacson, R.M., Revenge; and Lieutenant Gordon, Revenge. The Fleet eleven went in first, and had scored 32 with the loss of two wickets when our report was despatched. The match was played on the South Denes, near the monument to Lord Nelson. | ||
We 4 June 1862 | PRINCE ALFRED AND THE CHANNEL FLEET.- The Revenge, 90, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Smart; the Trafalgar, 90; the St. George, 90; the Emerald, 51; the Chanticleer, 17; and the Porpoise gunboat still remained yesterday in Great Yarmouth Roads, although the squadron is expected to quit the roadstead some time to-day. Prince Alfred has remained as retired as possible, although the townspeople have evinced every desire to make a lion of him. On Monday it transpired that two officers and a youth had left by train for Norwich, and, although they travelled with second-class tickets, it was supposed that this was done with a view to maintain a strict incognito. A rumour, founded on these facts, that Prince Alfred intended to visit old Norwich, reached that city long before the train conveying the supposed distinguished passenger, and the municipal authorities straightway bestirred themselves to make some suitable demonstration in his honour. A hospitable canon of the Cathedral, presuming that the Prince would visit that venerable edifice, went to the length, of preparing a recherché lunch, but the Mayor, more cautions, telegraphed to Yarmouth to ascertain the truth of the reported visit. The reply was that the Royal stranger was still in Yarmouth, and, of course, the Mayor profited by his prudent inquiries. It had come, however, to be generally bruited about in Norwich that the Prince had actually visited the city, and hundreds went down to the Cathedral in the delusive hope of finding him there. All the while the object of this eager watchfulness was at Yarmouth, where he lunched with Mr. Manners Sutton at 3, Kimberley-terrace, afterwards visiting, at Trafalgar-house, Mrs. De Carle, a relative of his tutor, Mr. Onslow. Whenever his Royal Highness appeared in the streets he was followed by an attendant crowd, and on more than one occasion the enthusiasm found vent in irrepressible cheering. Even up to half-past 8 in the evening, when he embarked from the Britannia-pier for the St. George, his Royal Highness had to endure these well-meant attentions. Yesterday morning he remained perfectly retired. The Admiral of the squadron and a numerous party of officers were present at a call at the Town-hall on Monday evening; but the Prince, in consideration of his recent painful bereavement, abstained from joining in the festivities, which were prolonged to about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. About 160 ladies and gentlemen attended the ball, which passed off very agreeably. The cricket match played on the Denes on Monday between 11 officers from the fleet and an eleven from the Yarmouth Club terminated, as indeed it was expected it would, in favour of the visitors, who made 50 runs in their first innings and 86 in their second, while the Yarmouth side scored 56 and 30 respectively. The ships, which have taken in large quantities of fresh provisions, vegetables, and water, were visited yesterday by considerable numbers, but the attendance of strangers would probably have been much larger if cheaper transport facilities had been afforded by the Eastern Counties Railway Company. It may be added with regard to the armament of the ships composing the squadron that it does not correspond with the nominal numerical equipment. Thus the St. George, although, pierced for 90 guns, has only 86 on board; the Revenge, although pierced for 90, only 70; the Trafalgar, although pierced for 90, only 73; and the Emerald, although pierced for 51, only 35. These discrepancies are occasioned by the substitution of Armstrongs for ordinary guns. | ||
Th 12 June 1862 | Her Majesty's screw steamships Revenge, 73, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H., and the Trafalgar, 70, Capt. John B. Dixon, the screw steam frigate Emerald, 35, Capt. Arthur Cumming, and the screw steam sloop Chanticleer, 17, Commander Charles Stirling, from the eastward, arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday morning. | ||
Fr 13 June 1862 | The gale which commenced from the southward and westward on Tuesday at Plymouth continued more or less up to yesterday morning, when the wind was blowing strongly from the south-east. All the ships of war in the Sound had taken in their light spars, lowered topgallant masts, and made all snug. It was reported there that the Revenge, Trafalgar, Emerald, Galatea, and Chanticleer were ordered to Milford, where they would be joined by the St. George, in order that Prince Alfred might be enabled to christen the iron-cased ship Prince Consort, 50, to be launched on the 26th inst. | ||
Ma 30 June 1862 | The Channel fleet hove in sight off Portsmouth on Saturday afternoon, standing in for St. Helen's Roads, under canvass, on their return from Milford Haven. The Warrior, 40, iron frigate, Capt.the Hon, A.A. Cochrane,and the St. George, 86, screw; Capt. the Hon. Francis Egerton, made their way under steam into the anchorage at Spithead, The Elfin, Royal paddle yacht, met the St. George on her passage up to the roadstead, and His Royal Highness Prince Alfred, embarking on board, proceeded at once to Osborne. The Revenge, 89, screw, Capt. Charles Fellowes, bearing the flag of the Commander-in-Chief Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H.; the Trafalgar, 86, screw, Capt. J.B. Dickson; the Emerald, screw frigate, Capt Arthur Cumming; and the Chanticleer, 17, screw, Commander Charles Stirling, anchored in St. Helen's Roads, a strong head wind and lee tide having prevented their reaching Spithead under sail alone. The flagship and Chanticleer are reported to have been on the ground. | ||
We 2 July 1862 | THE VICEROY OF EGYPT.- His Highness the Viceroy of Egypt, after trying the engines and the trim of his vessel on Monday proceeded in his yacht to Portsmouth. His Highness is expected to arrive in town this day (Wednesday). THE VICEROY OF EGYPT.- The Egyptian paddle yacht Faad Gahaad, Admiral Haffouz Pasha, with his Highness the Viceroy of Egypt on board, accompanied by Captain the Hon. James R. Drummond, one of the Lords of the Admiralty, the Hon. H. Murray, Admiral Austin, &c., arrived at Spithead at an early hour yesterday morning from the Thames, in charge of Mr. Petley, Master Commander of the Admiralty paddle yacht Black Eagle. His Highness during the forenoon paid visits on board the Revenge, screw line-of-battle ship, flagship of Rear-Admiral R. Smart, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, and the iron screw frigate Warrior, Captain the Hon A.A. Cochrane, lying with the remainder of the Channel fleet at Spithead. He received salutes from the guns of the Revenge on going on board and on leaving the ships. At 2 p.m., at the turn of tide after high water, the Faad Gahaad steamed into Portsmouth harbour. She proceeded alongside the south jetty of the dockyard, where a guard of honour from the 55th Regiment, with band and colours, was drawn up in honour of the Viceroy's arrival. The military and naval authorities, comprising Major-General Lord W. Paulet, C.B., commanding the garrison and district; Vice-Admiral Sir H.W. Bruce, Naval Commander-in-Chief; Rear-Admiral the Hon. George Grey; Colonel Somerset, Deputy-Quartermaster-general; Major J. Breton, Captains Coote, Wainwright, Powell, C.B. &c., R.N. were also in attendance. On the yacht making fast alongside the yard, Lord W. Paulet and Admirals Bruce and Grey, accompanied by the Chevalier Vandenberg (Turkish Vice-Consul at the port) and their respective staffs, proceeded on board. His Highness will not land from the yacht until to-day, when it is expected that he will visit the several objects of interest in the port and garrison. | ||
Tu 15 July 1862 | The Channel Fleet have received orders for sea, and, according to arrangements existing yesterday, will sail from Spithead to-day for the Baltic, calling in at the Downs for pilots. The present intentions are for the fleet to proceed in the first instance to Stockholm, and afterwards to Riga, calling at Copenhagen on their return from the Baltic, sometime in the beginning of September. The Channel Fleet now anchored at Spithead comprises the Revenge, 89, screw, Capt, Charles Fellowes, flagship of the Commander-in-Chief, Rear-Admiral of the Red, Robert Smart, K.H.; St. George, 86, screw, Capt. Hon. Francis Egerton; Trafalgar, 86, screw, Capt. J.B. Dickson; Defence, 18, screw, iron frigate, Capt. R. Ashmore Powell, C.B.; Emerald, 40, screw, Capt. A. Cumming; Galatea, 28, screw, Capt. Rochfort Maguire; Chanticleer, 17, screw, Commander Charles Stirling; and Trinculo, 2, screw gunboat, of 60-horse power, tender to the Revenge, flagship. The Warrior, 40, screw iron frigate, Capt. Hon. A.A. Cochrane, in dock at Portsmouth, is detached from the Channel fleet, and consequently will not accompany the ships on their Baltic cruise. The Warrior will be undocked at Portsmouth to-day, and is expected to proceed round to the Mersey, beyond which she has no orders to extend her cruising at present. | ||
We 16 July 1862 | The Channel Fleet sailed from Spithead yesterday for the Baltic. At 4 p.m. all the ships, with the exception of the Chanticleer, had weighed and stowed their anchors. The Emerald frigate led the way out of the anchorage under her three topsails, jib, spanker, and foretopmast staysail, before a strong westerly breeze, followed by the Revenge, carrying Rear-Admiral Smart's flag, under her three topsails, jib, and foresail. The St. George came next, under three topsails, jib, and foretopmast-staysail, succeeded by the Trafalgar, under the same sail, with the addition of her fore and main courses; the Galatea, with three topsails, jib, and staysail followed, and the Defence, under her double topsails, jib, and staysail, slowly moved up astern. South of the Warner light vessel the Emerald hove to, and the Admiral's ship passing took the lead of the line. The Trafalgar at the same time passed the St. George and took second place, with the St. George third. As soon as the line-of-battle ships had assumed their proper positions, the Emerald's sails were filled and she fell into her place astern of the St. George. The Galatea came next, followed by the Defence, which now let fall her fore and main courses to enable her to keep in her assigned position. As the Admiral's ship reared the Nab light vessel the Chanticleer had got her anchor at Spithead, and making sail brought up the rear of the line, about six miles astern of the leading ship. From the Nab light vessel a course was shaped to clear the Owers light ship, en route for the Downs, and soon after 5 p.m. the whole of the ships were out of sight from Portsmouth. | ||
Fr 18 July 1862 | The Trinculo, 2, screw gunboat, tender to the Revenge (flagship of the Channel fleet), was swung yesterday in Portsmouth harbour, under the superintendence of Mr. Craigie, master of the Victory, to ascertain the deviation of her compass prior to her sailing for the Baltic. | ||
We 24 September 1862 | The St. George screw line-of-battle ship, Capt. the Hon. Francis Egerton, with his Royal Highness Prince Alfred on board; and the Chanticleer, 17, screw, Commander C. Stirling, arrived at Spithead yesterday morning from Kiel, as announced in our yesterday's second edition, and await orders at Spithead. The ships now at Spithead, in addition to the St. George and Chanticleer, are the Emerald, screw frigate, Capt. A. Cumming; the Galatea, screw frigate, Capt. R. Maguire; and the Resistance, screw iron frigate, Capt. Chamberlain. The last-named vessel was undocked yesterday at Portsmouth, and anchored at Spithead in readiness for her official trial of speed at the measured mile in Stokes Bay, ordered to take place this morning. The Revenge, screw line-of-battle-ship, Capt. C. Fellowes (flag of Rear-Admiral Smart), moved her berth from alongside Portsmouth dockyard yesterday to alongside her hulk, to transfer her crew preparatory to going into dock. | ||
We 1 October 1862 | The Revenge, 86, screw, Capt. C. Fellowes, flagship of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H., Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, has been docked at Portsmouth to ascertain the extent of the damage she sustained by getting on shore during her recent cruise in the Baltic. This has been found to be very slight, and is confined to the after portion of her false keel. Workmen are now employed setting up stout shores under the ship's quarters, to enable them to remove the blocks underneath the keel and carry out the required repairs. | ||
Tu 21 October 1862 | The Revenge, screw line-of-battle ship, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flagship of the Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, Rear-Admiral of the Red R. Smart, K.H., bent sails in Portsmouth harbour yesterday, on the completion of her repairs and refit, and will rejoin the fleet at Spithead anchorage to-day. The ships now at Spithead comprise the St. George, 86, screw, Capt. Hon. F. Egerton; Emerald, 36, screw, Capt. A. Cumming; Galatea, 26, screw, Capt. R. Maguire; Resistance, 16, screw, iron ram, Capt. Chamberlain; Defence, 16, screw, iron ram, Capt. Augustus Phillimore; Oberon, 3, paddle, Lieut.-Commander Morice; and Virago, 6, paddle, Commander Johnstone. | ||
Ma 2 March 1863 | Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Smart's squadron sailed from Spithead at 5 30 on Friday evening for the Downs to await the arrival of her Royal Highness the Princess Alexandra [of Denmark] at the Nore. The fleet consists of the flagship Revenge, 73, Capt. C. Fellowes; the Warrior, 40, iron-plated frigate, Capt. Hon. A. Cochrane; the Black Prince, 40, iron-plated frigate, Capt. J.F.B. Wainwright; the Defence, 18, Capt. A. Phillimore; and the Resistance, 16, Capt. W.C. Chamberlain. The fleet left Spithead by the East Channel under steam only, the Revenge leading. They will return to Spithead by the 9th. The Emerald, 34, screw, Capt. Arthur Cumming, sailed from Spithead yesterday to join the squadron. It is stated that the squadron, after escorting the Princess to England, will return to Spithead, and on the day of the Royal marriage [i.e. of Alexandra to Prince Albert Edward, the later King Edward VII] will dress out in coloured bunting, and at 1. p.m. fire, in company with the ships in the harbour and batteries on shore, a Royal salute. At 8 p.m. yards will be manned, blue lights burnt at each yard-arm, and another Royal salute fired by the whole squadron. | ||
Tu 3 March 1863 | Intelligence has been received at Chatham of the arrival in the Downs of the Channel squadron, under the command of Rear-Admiral Sir R. Smart, K.H., consisting of the Revenge, 73, Capt. C. Fellowes, flagship; the Warrior, 40, Capt. the Hon. A. Cochrane; the Black Prince, 40, Capt. J.F.B. Wainwright; the Defence, 16, Capt. A. Phillimore; and the Resistance, 16, Capt W.C. Chamberlain; The fleet was joined yesterday by the Emerald, 34, Capt. A. Cumming. The squadron will escort the Princess Alexandra to the Nore, where it will be joined by the Formidable, 84, Capt W.G. Luard, flagship of Vice-Admiral Sir W. J. Hope Johnstone, Commander-in-Chief; the Cumberland, 70, Capt. T.P. Thompson; the Leander, 51, and four gunboats. | ||
Fr 13 March 1863 | The Black Prince iron frigate, Capt. Wainwright, continues in the steam basin at Portsmouth taking out damaged machinery and refitting. The Emerald frigate, Capt. A. Cumming, goes into harbour from Spithead this morning to take out her damaged screw and ship another for her experimental trials. The other ships of the Channel squadron now at Spithead comprise the Revenge flagship, the Warrior, Resistance, and Defence, iron frigates, the Kite steamer, bound for Woolwich, and the Racoon, 22, screw frigate, Capt, Count Gleichen, on special service. | ||
Fr 16 October 1863 | We have received the following letter from our Malta correspondent, dated Valetta, October 10:- "Letters from the fleet in Greek waters give the following news:- The latest date is the 3d inst. The country continues in a tranquil state, the arrival of the new King being looked forward to with feelings of pleasing expectation and deep interest. Her Majesty's ship Revenge, 73 (bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Yelverton, C.B.), which is to escort the young King from a port in France to his new dominions, does not leave Malta for Toulon until Monday next, the 12th inst. Her orders are to be at Toulon by the 15th, and the King is not expected there till the 22d or 23d. It is reported that the Orlando, 46, Capt. G.G. Randolph, which left the Piraeus on the 25th ult. for Corfu, and the West Coast of Greece, will form part of the escort squadron. The following ships of war are at present at the Piraeus:- English.- Marlborough, 121, Capt. C. Fellowes (bearing the flag of Vice-Admiral Smart, K.H.); Trafalgar, 70, Capt. T. Mason; the Queen, 74, Capt. F. Hillyar; the St. George, 84, Capt. the Hon. F. Egerton (in Salamis Bay); and the Boxer, 2, gunboat, Lieut.-Commander F.S.D. Broughton, tender to the Marlborough. French.- The Magicienne, 23, screw frigate, bearing the flag of the Rear-Admiral commanding; the Tangier, 4, and the Mouette, 4, paddlewheel steamers. Austrian.- The Dandolo, 22, screw corvette; and the Wall, 4, screw gunboat. Italian.- The Tancrede, 4, paddlewheel steamer. Turkish.- The Broussa, 22, screw corvette. Greek.- The Athens, 6, paddlewheel steamer, and a screw gunboat. The English paddlewheel frigate Magicienne, 16, Capt. W. Armytage, sailed from the Piraeus on the 1st inst. for Nauplia and Patras. The Pelican, 17, screw corvette, Acting-Commander Bogle, was expected at Athens about the 10th inst. from Beyrout. She was to return and winter on the coast of Syria. The Liffey, 35, screw frigate, Capt. G. Parker, was also to winter on some part of that station. The Cossack, 22, Capt. W.R. Rolland, and the Icarus, 11, Commander N. Salmon, V. C.. are at present there. Report says that the Marlborough will shortly return to Malta. The Admiral intends, however, to remain at the Piraeus, and hoist his flag on board the Queen. The three men who perpetrated the cowardly murder of a marine belonging to Her Majesty's gunboat Foxhound some months since are about to be brought to trial before the Criminal Court of Athens, the decision of which will be final. The Trident, 3, iron paddlewheel sloop, Commander C.J. Balfour, arrived at the Piraeus on the 25th ult. from Malta with a mail and despatches, and returned on the 6th inst., bringing despatches and letters from the squadron; also three naval cadets and an assistant-clerk for the Meeanee, and two naval cadets for the Phoebe. She steamed from the Piraeus to Kalamata, where she communicated with the Wanderer, 4, gunboat, Commander M.C. Seymour, and performed the remaining portion of the voyage to Malta, with the exception of the last 12 hours, under sail, acquitting herself better than was expected. The Liffey was expected at Kalamata on the 11th inst. The Foxhound, 4, gunboat, Commander W.H. Anderson, left Malta on the 1st inst. for the Piraeus, and the Meeanee, 60, Capt. G. Wodehouse, quitted port on the 8th for the same destination, both taking mails and despatches for the squadron. The following mail will probably be conveyed by the Trident. The Caradoc, despatch-vessel, Lieut.-Commander E. Wilkinson, is at Constantinople; the Weser, 6, Commander A.H.J. Johnstone, and the Cockatrice, 2, Lieut.- Commander Gillson, are on the Danube station; and the Procris, gunboat. Lieut.-Commander the Hon. J.B. Vivian, is at Gibraltar. There are at present in Malta harbour the receiving ship Hibernia (bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral H.T. Austen, C.B.), Commander R.B. Harvey; the Revenge, 73 (bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral H. R. Yelverton, C.B). Capt. the Hon. F.A. Foley; the Chanticleer, 17, Commander C. Sterling (lately arrived from Syria); the Medina, surveying vessel, Capt. T.A.B. Spratt, C.B. (awaiting her relief the Hydra, 6, paddle-sloop, from England); the Trident, 3, Commander C.J. Balfour; the Psyche, despatch-vessel, Lieut.-Commander Sterne, and the Growler, tender to the Medina (arrived on the 2d inst. from Sicily). The Revenge, having got ashore on the mud at Navarino, was on arrival here admitted into dock for examination. No damage was discovered but what a few sheets of copper will make good. The Phoebe has also been into dock to have her bottom cleaned and examined. Her broken engine is being repaired here, and it will he necessary to cast a new cylinder. It is not expected she will be ready for sea again in much less than three months. Her Majesty's iron screw transport Orontes, 2, Capt. W.H. Hire, which brought here on Wednesday evening, the 30th ult., the 2d Battalion 8th Regiment, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Woods, from Gibraltar, left on return to Gibraltar on Monday, the 5th inst., with the 2d battalion 15th Regiment, under the command of Major Fulton, from this garrison, to replace the former regiment at Gibraltar. She will return with the 100th (Royal Canadian) Regiment, and take away from this the 23d (Royal Welsh) Fusiliers. which have been for some time under order to proceed to Gibraltar in exchange for the 100th. The 8th Regiment is now quartered in Verdala Barracks, on the other aide of the harbour. ... A Prussian steam corvette, the Preussischer Adler, Commodore G. Klatt, and two gunboats, the Basilisk, Lieut. H. Schan, and the Blitz, Lieut. M'Lean, have lately arrived in the Mediterranean from the Baltic, and touched here on their way to the Levant. They left on Sunday and Monday last for Athens, where the Blitz is to remain until further orders. The Preussischer Adler and the Basilisk will go on, the former to be stationed at Constantinople, and the latter on the Danube. They are likely to remain in these waters for two or three years. The Malacca, 17, screw corvette, Capt. G J. Napier, came in this morning in five days from Missolonghi. She is on her way home, having been ordered to England in consequence of legal proceedings having been taken by one of her former officers (Lieut. Armitage) who was dismissed the service by court-martial, and who has brought a charge of conspiracy against certain persons belonging to this ship, who gave evidence in the case. Deputy-Commissary-General Horne arrived to-night by the Euxine from China on his way home. He remains a week at Malta." |